Thursday, October 29, 2020

Almost Covid Mask

We've tried quite a few masks - most wouldn't stop a germ if it had to!

I've concluded that a reusable mask with a filter pocket is the way to go.  I recently found this mask at a reasonable price.  The mask alone is pretty poor, but when adding the 5-layer filter, I hope it's effectiveness is good.  The good things about this mask is that it fits me, the nose part stays in place, and it has filter pocket accessible from both ends.  These were ordered from

Amazon is a good place for large quantities of the filters - we change them daily.


What a Puzzle!

We found this puzzle online and ordered the 100 piece version from Amazon.  It is laser cut wood with no indication of where the pieces might go - except for a faint wood grain.  Trying to find that first piece was a challenge.  After working on it for four days - on and off - successful!  We're trying it again, but this time we've rotated it 180 degrees.  It now seems harder!  It's called a DevilPuzzle and is very well made.  There are other versions out there.  We may be forced to try the even harder version.

The things we do in isolation!!